My Blog

  • Keep Those Teeth Shipshape, Matey!
    September 19th is just around the corner, and you know what that means—Aye, matey, it’s “Talk Like a Pirate Day”! Why do we have a “Talk Like a Pirate Day” Read more
  • Should Children Use Whitening Products?
    As adults, we often wish our teeth could be as white as they were when we were small children. Baby teeth have thinner and whiter enamel than adult teeth, and Read more
  • What do I do if I fall and loosen my teeth?
    Although teeth are strong enough to tear through food, they are also fragile. An accident such as a fall may loosen teeth or knock a tooth out entirely. When a Read more
  • Treating Gum Disease with Antibiotics
    Why does gum disease develop? Our mouths are home to bacteria, which form a film called plaque. Plaque sticks to the surfaces of our teeth, at the gumline, and can Read more
  • Carbs and Cavities
    The Good News Carbohydrates are one of the body’s essential macronutrients (along with protein and fat). We use carbs to convert the food we eat into energy. How does this work? Read more
  • Dental Veneers
    Are you looking to improve the appearance of your front teeth? Dental veneers are widely used to improve the appearance of front teeth and are a much more conservative option Read more
  • Infant Teething Remedies: What Might Help—And What to Avoid
    Some lucky babies wake one morning displaying a brand new tooth to the complete surprise of their unsuspecting parents! But your happy baby is irritable and drooling. Or your hearty Read more
  • Can You Repair Your Tooth Enamel?
    There are lots of ads out there for toothpastes that claim to repair damaged tooth enamel. Can you treat cavities and tooth decay at home? Well, mostly, no, you can’t. Can you Read more
  • Medication Can Lead To Xerostomia in Women
    Xerostomia, otherwise known as dry mouth, can be a side effect of many common medications. Drugs used for blood pressure, birth control, antidepressants, or cancer treatments may cause the dry Read more
  • Summer Sports and Mouthguards
    School’s out and you’ve emptied your gym locker until next fall. But while you’re stowing away the football gear, the basketball warm-ups, the field hockey sticks, and all the other Read more
  • Canker Sores and Stress
    Canker sores are painful lesions that form in the soft tissues of the mouth, usually along the inner lips, under the tongue, and along the cheek walls. They are usually Read more
  • Does chronic stress impact periodontal health?
    Many studies over the past several years have focused on this question. Since we will all face stressful situations during our life, it is a good question to ask. This Read more
  • Lip Service
    When you think of the doctor, you naturally think of your teeth. But your dental professional is concerned with more than the teeth, as important as they are. All aspects Read more
  • Getting Ready for Summer Sports
    With the warmer and longer days here, we know many of our patients at Carol A. Cunningham, DDS will be much more active in the summer. Though most of our Read more
  • Electric or Manual Toothbrush: Why It Does (and Doesn't) Matter
    You live in the golden age of toothbrushes. Until a few decades people used twigs or brushes made from animal hair to clean their teeth: not very soft and none Read more
  • Memorial Day
    Memorial Day is not only a federal holiday in the United States, but it is a day of observance and remembrance of those who died in service. Originally known as Read more